Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Thoughts!

Yesterday, December 1st., was World AIDS Day.  Why is this important to me.  It has alot to do with my early manhood years of coming to age.  I am who I am today by the grace of God and compassion that he has filled my heart with.  I love caring for people of all walks of life.  As a young 18 year old, instead of being out doing normal teenage things at that age I was volunteering at a local AIDS resource program for the next 3 years of my life.  In that time of caring for folks and being surrounded by folks, I can look back at that point in my life and say that my pasion for reaching people started at that point of my life.  It saddens me to this very day the stigma that comes with people with AIDS.  We can no longer stand by as idle hands not doing anything.  I am not saying that you need to specifically work with AIDS patients, just something with people that ned your compassion. need to know that they are not alone in this world.  That God's love is for them as much as it is for you.  we have this tendancy to ignore the fact that God created the World and all that is in it to love them NO MATTER WHAT!  Maybe you might be the one to reach someone that feels they are not worth it or good enough to receive what God gives.  Care, Care a lot for people, it is a great time of year to learn this lesson as the stage sets for the birth of our Lord and Savior.  He came for the homeless, the impoverished, the weak, the needy, the strong, the survivors, and for you too!  That is what I see when I see the nativity manger being filled on Christmas eve service with baby Jesus.
Have a great and blessed weekend!

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