Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hebrews 3:13a
But encourage one another daily,

So here is my plea to you.  Find a group to get involved in.  Not just for the holiday season, for your life.  We all fall down sometimes.  When we do it is great to have encouragement from others to help you get back up right?  Well then, get involved now with a group of friends that will do that for you.  Whether it is a group from church, from school, or work.  Be accountable for not only yourself, but for others too.  The Pastor at our church and myself do a monthly fathers group ( All Pro Dad's), with in it we have all become really accountable for how we are raising our kids, and being better fathers with it.  It is a small group, but that makes no difference we are all genuine and real with each other.  That allows us to grow in Christ and in our relationships with Christ and with our families as well.  isn't that what we are to do according to the text used for this devotional?  Find something to do that keeps you focused on being a better person, and you will become that better person. 

God Bless,

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