Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hebrews 3:13a
But encourage one another daily,

So here is my plea to you.  Find a group to get involved in.  Not just for the holiday season, for your life.  We all fall down sometimes.  When we do it is great to have encouragement from others to help you get back up right?  Well then, get involved now with a group of friends that will do that for you.  Whether it is a group from church, from school, or work.  Be accountable for not only yourself, but for others too.  The Pastor at our church and myself do a monthly fathers group ( All Pro Dad's), with in it we have all become really accountable for how we are raising our kids, and being better fathers with it.  It is a small group, but that makes no difference we are all genuine and real with each other.  That allows us to grow in Christ and in our relationships with Christ and with our families as well.  isn't that what we are to do according to the text used for this devotional?  Find something to do that keeps you focused on being a better person, and you will become that better person. 

God Bless,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Do what we do!

"No excuses, no explanations"- Tony Dungy " Quiet Strength"

1 Peter 5:6
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

John 5:17
17 Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”

So for men's group I just finished Tony Dungy's book Quiet Strength (awesome read for those looking for Dad's for Christmas!!)  Tony used the quoted phrase that begins this devotion  " Do what we do, no excuses, no explanations."  Indicating to me that we are intended to do something in life.  Whatever that may be, we should never give excuses for doing what we feel called to be doing.  From teaching to preaching, from house cleaning to house building!  All things are being served as a purpose by God.  When we come to that simple conclusion then God blesses whatever it is we are doing.  We as a society have a tendency to down play others for there jobs they perform as if God created them for a status symbol for the rest to look down upon.  It might be these very things that God is using to change someones world.  Are we to question that?  Absolutely not!!  God will lift you up in His due time to recognize you for all that you do in this earthly vessel you are blessed with. 

Pay attention to the words Jesus is saying to the folks in the synagogue in the second text.  My father is forever working, so therefore so should I.  Up to the moment of His last breathe Jesus was convincing the world that He truly was the Son of God.  how many times did people approach him while he tried to slumber or pray.  It all become part of  what Jesus did in his life, and he too was lifted up in due time for obeying what it was the God called him to earth for.  So, if God is mighty enough to save one of His creations is He not able to save others???  Of course so, That is why we are to keep working, keep truckin' along, keep plodding through.  In the very end it will be sooo worth it!

May you all have a great and blessed Thanksgiving!  Stay away form too much turkey, and the shopping centers.  Enjoy time with family instead.  God Bless!


Thursday, November 15, 2012


So I needed a laugh today. I turned to my trusty Tim Hawkins for that laugh! Thanks all! Enjoy it and have a great , blessed and good rest of the week! Craig

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This is the day!

Psalm 118:24

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
24 This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
So well indeed today is the big day.  The day many of us have been longing for, for quite some time too!  What is it that makes this day soooo special?  Well, it is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!  Huh, you thought it was about something else?  I certainly can not think what that might be!!  Ooh, you mean all the phone calls that annoyed you last evening, or the ads on TV and radio, billboards, yard signs, flyers in the mailbox.  And not to forget the many, many, many discussions at work or over Facebook, tweets on twitter, emails sent.  What is this all about?  One day to elect who wins the great position in power.  Hasn't that power already been decided?  Jesus Wins folks!  We have not gotten this caught up in reviving the day for the Lord since the 70's.  Where is all your ambitions to react to today as a gift from God, as if He were running for position in DC?  Why are mailboxes, inboxes, Facebook posts, ads on billboards, radio not full of witnessing for this very day?  He has given you this very day, this very hour, this very minute this very second you are reading this.  Hooray for us for being blessed.  Today is indeed the day that the Lord has made, Let us be glad and truly rejoice in it!! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Saint's Day

Wishing all a great Nov. 1, All Saint's Day.  A day to remember those that have gone before us.  Those that have left legacies for us to live by and for.  Whomever that may be for you, live today for them.  Not questioning the why, but learning from the what, that they taught you how to live by.

No more tears, God grants us that when we spend eternity with him in Heaven!  Here is to that celebration!!

God Bless
