Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today I want to send out a prayer list for all to read and pray for.  It has been on my heart to do this for a couple of days so I want to use today as the day to do it.
Pray for the following for illness, hurt, active service members, hosptitalized, recovering.  I am inevitable going to miss someone so add them to it as you think of them too!

Nevan Sager
Levi Sager
Ted Dauber
Tom Dauber
Dorothy Strayer
Jane Duke
Ivan Duke
Margret Damms
Candy Yingling
Judy Dutterer
Cody Dillon
Tina & Kevin Kraipovich
Sahara Rocha
Skyler Rocha-Utermahlan(sorry if I spelled that wrong)
All students starting back at school this week
The Hessie family
Barb & Will Varian
Tanya Groft
Kaite Bull
The Hinkle family
Jeb Beard

In one way or another this list of names affects me and probably most of my readers so thanks for putting them into your thoughts and prayer lists for all that they are going through.  God Bless to all!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuned in Tuesday

My apologies for missing yesterday. I had orientation at school that ate up the better part of the day. So I will start my week with this great rendition of " I can only Imagine" by Wynonna Judd. I hope you all enjoy this raw emotion in this song as I do. If we could all only face each day with that emotion for God in all he does for us. Enjoy your day today and the rest of your week. I pray that it is blessed for you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally Friday

It has been a week of emotions around my house this week.  My oldest son Andrew, decided on his own to talk with the coach about stepping back down to the JV team.  I wont lie some disappointment on MY behalf.  As I talked with him about it, he was more scared that I would be mad and not at all worried about his team or coaches...  Anyway, I told him that I was proud of him for taking care of the situation, on his own.  Not feeling like he needed to depend on mom or dad to do it for him.  Big step for my 5th grader.  maybe the lesson that needed to be learned was by me NOT him.  Hmm!  Always thinking inside the box my wife tells me that a lot.  Then we go to my youngest, Ethan, whom I thought was doing fine with going into 1st grade.  We had his back to school night this week and right before we left for it he broke down because he was so scared to be going back to school and 1st grade.  We talked about how cool it will be to go to first grade and he was going to get to see his friends again (you know the stuff that works!!).  we pulled up to the school and he broke down again, for only a brief period of time.  Then he saw his old classmates form last year and the teachers that he knew.  From that point on all was good.  So we go to my wife now...New PTA president, will be childless during the day after the 2nd week of September and is worried how things will be with that.  Well, she did just wonderful with welcoming the new school back as she spoke in front of 600 students and parents this past week ( even with some constructive criticism, luv you honey!!).  God took care of that for her, he will see to it that all else will be fine.  Chaos throughout my house has left me to ponder now next week it is my turn to return to school!!!  But...what if no one likes me? what if I don't know anyone?...(LOL!) All of these childish thoughts, just to keep us away from the one that plans it for us.  Thank you God for a wonderful week full of emotions and growing up for all in my house.
I hope you all have a truly wonderful and blessed weekend.  Be Safe to all in the storms path...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Quick Gospel

1 Chronicles 12:18b
Success, success to you,
   and success to those who help you,
      for your God will help you.”

Well my son is having his first hard lesson in being successful.  As a fifth grader this year he should be playing on the JV team for football.  Instead, the coaches have asked him to move into the varsity level.  At first he was elated about the move.  Now a few practices and scrimmage later, his tune has changed.  He does not feel that he is good enough to be there.  So he stands on the field intimidated by the other players.  We spoke last evening about all of this and his emotions are raw right now, but I told him that maybe this has nothing to do with him being on the field as a varsity player.  Maybe this is where God needs him to be at to prepare him for something else.  Or even to just be there for the other players right now as a model for others to follow.  All in all I think I got through to him that this is not about him it is about where God needs him right now.  With difficult things in his life, he will need to start relying more on what God needs him to do and not what he feels.  So my thought turns to my readers on this, where might God need you to be at, what new territory does he need you to move into so that others can learn from you about honoring God.  Prayer of Jabez (1 chronicles 4:9-10) , proves to be so true when you ask for it, be prepared for God to give it.  This is where my son is at in this trial.  Are you there too?  You want it, but then when it is given you run out of FEAR.  At that point then Satan has you.  Go to God, for your God will help you!

Dear Heavenly Father, let your hand fall on all of us that need to rely on you to be with us in all the new territories that you move us into.  Guide us, give us strength, patience, and courage to live as you call us to.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuned in Tuesday

Today's video is the brand new one from Steven Curtis Chapman " Do Everything". I want to dedicate this one to my wife who does everything she does for the glory and honor of God. Her plate is constantly full picking up and filling in where she is needed, but not once does she complain about it. She just does it knowing that she will be blessed by God. Hope you enjoy it and have a blessed and great week.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quick Gospel

Jeremiah 31:16-17
16 This is what the LORD says: "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded," declares the LORD. "They will return from the land of the enemy. 17 So there is hope for your future," declares the LORD. "Your children will return to their own land

For most school will be starting either this week or next.  New adventures await.  Anxiety rolling pretty high for some.  New classes, friends, teachers, professors.  Some kids will be there first year to school and tears are flowing with worries and some tears are flowing from older kids that are scared to start a new school.  If will be a great year for all as they learn to overcome those fears and anxieties, lets just make sure we keep focused on what we need to in order to have a successful year of school.  Let's not get lost in the materials of the school year and loose who we are as a Christ follower.  As we venture into new lands, be careful where you step and go to make sure it is where you should be going and not where Satan wants to take you.  In other words, BE SAFE in your decisions with who to hang out with and where you go with your friends this year!!

Dear Heavenly Father, watch over all that are going back into school this year.  Keep your hand on each of them for safety, courage, wisdom, and guidance to make good and Godly decisions.  Let them be your hands and feet in the school halls that they attend, bringing the bible to many that do not know you, just by there actions towards all fellow students.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quick Gospel

Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
1 John 2:15a
Do not love the world or anything in the world
1 John 4:4
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Months ago I had the great privilege of spending an afternoon at Devil's Den just reading the word of God.  In my listen for Him and to Him simple things came to me.  We are called to go and make disciples around the world.  In order to do that though we need to leave our comfortable lives and go places that we normally would not go to make these disciples.  Go "into" the world where folks are at that do not know the Word of God.  This is the hard part though that God puts on us. We can go "into" the world because that is what we are called to do, but yet we can not love the world or anything in the world.  Then he redeems us with the fact that we are from God  and have the ability to overcome everything because He is greater than the world itself.  Maybe the irony in this is that this message came to me at the location it did "Devil's Den"
Dear awesome God, you call to be the messenger of the Good News in a world that is full of negative.  give us the strength, courage, wisdom, and guidance to walk in a world full of land mines that hurt us and keep us in the world and not of the Word.  Amen. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuned in Tuesday

Second time around I know, but I ask this time "what's your excuse?"  Refuse to make anymore...
Josh Wilson with "I refuse". May each of you find a new task to take on and refuse to back down.  God bless to each this week!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Quick Gospel

Joshua 1:8
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
This is where I feel as a failure.  So much of my day is of this world that I forget to be in the word of God in many of my decisions and thoughts.  Therefore I find myself getting caught in the worldly trap of accepting that it is my choice anyway!  Wrong!  It is my free will to not listen to God in making my decisions.  Then also it is my fault for what happens to me for not relying on God in that decision.
Dear God, in all we do it should always be for you.  Amen.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Laugh it up!

I need a good laugh today so I am sharing one with you. After this past weeks headlines roller coaster you probably want one too! Tim Hawkins shares his thoughts on bad candy, "weekends are made for "snick-a-loaf" agreed!!

Have a great, and blessed weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quick Gospel

1 Timothy 6:17-19
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.  

Not much for writing about politics and stock market.  And some please share your thoughts about this as well.  Just trying to see if I am on the right thoughts or not from this text today.  Two groups of people come to mind with this though.  Politicians, and stock brokers.  After the last few days this is all that you are hearing about.  What if, just what if these groups actually abides by this scripture!!  I really do not think all around us would seem like gloom and doom if these factors were not hanging over our heads each and every day.  It seems though that these two factors are the ones that get discussed more than any others though.  To me that's what needs to change.  All we can do to help them is to pray, and that is what I urge all of you to do.

Lord it has nothing to do with campaigning, or S&P numbers.  It is all about you, and today I just pray that you reach those that need it from Washington to NY and all elsewhere.  My constant pray is for understanding to come to all people in charge to be just that, in charge.  Of there own households.  it is not one side or the other that needs it more, they all need it the same.  Whether we agree or disagree they are in charge and need to know that we are praying for them. Amen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuned in Tuesday

This weeks song encompasses why I did not write and send a devotion yesterday. Have you ever felt like you are not strong enough to handle what is thrown at you in life? Well, you are not supposed to be, at least by yourself. God will be your strength, he will be strong enough for you. So today's tune is by Matthew West " Strong Enough". For all those that need it, and you know who you are, you know this is your song. Listen to it over, and again if you need to. God thinks you are strong enough to handle what he is giving you. Let Him be your strength, that's what he needs you to realize. God Bless to all, and enjoy!
Have a great and Blessed week!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quick Gospel

Matthew 26:45
Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting?

How often do you feel yourself feeling this way about those around you?  Like, seriously, at a time like this you think its best to rest and sleep when so much is going on.  Can you not open your eyes to see the cries for help?  This is why some much goes undone.  Jesus tells his disciples, all I ask you to do is pray for ME, I come back for the second time to see you sleeping.  Seriously, at a time like this!!  WAKE UP church (um that would be us Christians)  How can we be so lacks on doing the works of the church in a time when more people need the church than ever? 

God of the tired and sleeping, wake us up to keep us motivated in doing your work in others lives.  Guide us into bringing glory to your kingdom.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quick Gospel

2 Peter 3:9
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Just finished a curriculum in our work devotions that we have once a week. It was James MacDonald's "Lord, change my attitude".  James closed the program out with this " If you are studying God's Words and it does not change you (repentance), then you are not really living God's Word's"  All too often we just read the bible and we do not take what we just read and apply it to life and change our attitude's.  if we are not doing that then we are not getting the real meaning behind why they were written.

Lord, our attitudes do indeed rule our lives.  We need the courage, wisdom, strength to activate your Words in each of our lives.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuned in Tuesday

New group Abandon takes the stage this week with there song "Feel it in your heart". Hope you enjoy this new find. Have a great and blessed week!

Monday, August 1, 2011


This was sent to me and is too powerful not to share. We face each day with handicaps and our own disabilities and they all seem so big to us. Check this out from Patrick Henry Hughes, truley we need to live each day like this. Realizing that what we take for granted and what we call difficult tasks are nothing when God uses you for what He need you to do and be. I know this is not my normal Monday post but this might be the most powerful one that I have shared on a Monday in a while. Even pay attention to how the father acts. Think about how God (our Heavenly Father) acts in your life while you listen and watch this.

Dear Gracious Father all that you bless us with we sometimes miss the most important of those things due to oue earthly blindness. Oen our eyes so that we can truley see what you do fro each of us everyday of our lives. Amen.