Pray for the following for illness, hurt, active service members, hosptitalized, recovering. I am inevitable going to miss someone so add them to it as you think of them too!
Nevan Sager
Levi Sager
Ted Dauber
Tom Dauber
Dorothy Strayer
Jane Duke
Ivan Duke
Margret Damms
Candy Yingling
Judy Dutterer
Cody Dillon
Tina & Kevin Kraipovich
Sahara Rocha
Skyler Rocha-Utermahlan(sorry if I spelled that wrong)
All students starting back at school this week
The Hessie family
Barb & Will Varian
Tanya Groft
Kaite Bull
The Hinkle family
Jeb Beard
In one way or another this list of names affects me and probably most of my readers so thanks for putting them into your thoughts and prayer lists for all that they are going through. God Bless to all!

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