1 Chronicles 12:18b
Success, success to you,
and success to those who help you,
for your God will help you.”
Well my son is having his first hard lesson in being successful. As a fifth grader this year he should be playing on the JV team for football. Instead, the coaches have asked him to move into the varsity level. At first he was elated about the move. Now a few practices and scrimmage later, his tune has changed. He does not feel that he is good enough to be there. So he stands on the field intimidated by the other players. We spoke last evening about all of this and his emotions are raw right now, but I told him that maybe this has nothing to do with him being on the field as a varsity player. Maybe this is where God needs him to be at to prepare him for something else. Or even to just be there for the other players right now as a model for others to follow. All in all I think I got through to him that this is not about him it is about where God needs him right now. With difficult things in his life, he will need to start relying more on what God needs him to do and not what he feels. So my thought turns to my readers on this, where might God need you to be at, what new territory does he need you to move into so that others can learn from you about honoring God. Prayer of Jabez (1 chronicles 4:9-10) , proves to be so true when you ask for it, be prepared for God to give it. This is where my son is at in this trial. Are you there too? You want it, but then when it is given you run out of FEAR. At that point then Satan has you. Go to God, for your God will help you!
Dear Heavenly Father, let your hand fall on all of us that need to rely on you to be with us in all the new territories that you move us into. Guide us, give us strength, patience, and courage to live as you call us to. Amen.