Deuteronomy 8:3
New International Version (NIV)
3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD
Studying Process Theology in seminary right now. Process Theology is a contemporary style of reading, learning, and teaching the Word of God. It surprises me though about how many people do their own form of Process Theology without even knowing it. We consume lots of food in our lives on a daily basis and most of it as unhealthy as it is is probably processed food. Made for us to have easy consumption to fill our bellies up and say we are full. It makes life easy! However, most of us also consume God in that exact manner too. We tend to take what is easy for us to get or understand and that is what we build our relationship on with God, the easy stuff! Why, because that is the generation we live in, make it easy for me to consume and get, because I do not have a lot of time to spend on this!! Listen folks, we NEED to spend time in the organic world of Jesus Christ. The real deal so to speak when we go and come to Him. If we just consume the easy stuff when the hard stuff comes our way we won't know how to eat. Make sure you are not approaching life with the processed food spirit. Yes, it may be easier and first. Remember in the Gospel Jesus tells the disciples that they are not ready for the meat of the Word, so therefore he keeps feeding them the milk as a mother to an infant. We need to grow up in this world, so we can grow up in the Word. Stop making life easy for yourself in your understanding, because when you go to teach others about it, it is nothing more then recycled processed theology.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the spiritual realm let me be the one that consumes all the organic food. Getting the good stuff for my body and mind, not just consuming what is easy to get and pass on. I am hungry for this, let me not fall short of what you are teaching me. Amen!