Psalm 90:12
New International Version (NIV)
12 Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
One thing that I am studying and discussing in seminary right now is Life predestined or not by God. points of the bible indicate that all of our days are numbered so we should live each one as if it might be the last. How do you feel about it? Do you think that all we say, do, go, live is all preplanned for each of us? Do you think that the thought you just had...was something that God put into your mind or do you think that you just thought it up yourself? Interesting thing is that if we believe that life is predestined that what about the bad stuff that happens in our lives. Do we think that our ever loving, grace giving God is behind the premature deaths or negatives that occur in our lives too? If God is the giver of good blessings when life is good, who is the giver of the dark times during the bad times in life? Or are they the results of our free will? Tough on to handle and discuss, any thoughts?
Dear Heavenly Father, you give us life in the image of yourself. You bless us in times of need. You teach us in times of need. In your image may we learn to be your mirror of understanding all about life in this world. Amen.

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