God, its hard down here!
Things are so bad all the time it seems.
Hunger, Poverty, weakness, materialism, self-conceit,
Things have taken control of our lives.
Bad things!
Our youth keep getting attacked,
We keep losing them to accidents.
Parents and adults are being lost too,
to addictions, and striving for the best.
Being friends and not parents!
God, it's not fun!
Why have you left us to clean all of this up.
Ooh, the sacrifices we have to make and take to do so too!
What's that you say?
You know all about sacrifices.
The Son you sent to sacrifice His life for ours.
The cruel punishment and death He undertook for me to have the thoughts of just how bad I feel I have it.
Whats that you say God?
...And that's the GOOD NEWS!!!
*thank you to Prof. Barrett for the new style of conversing with God. Never go to seminary thinking of the God you know before going will be the same God you know when leaving.