Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Lately it seems not a day goes by that I do not hear the phrase" when it rains it pours". This of course referring to the fact that it seems like when one bad thing happens, another comes and makes it worse and so on. Recently my wife and I were the recipients of this award as well. I made a comment at a recent event that I held at church, that whenever we go through these rough patches and hard times, those are the moments that we need to get the focus off of the things we are going through and put our attention on what we are doing for someone else. Once we humble ourselves enough to give up the pride of what we are going through, and serve another that is the point that God will step in and handle your hardships. I feel that is what this scripture is indicating here. Give of yourself freely, not reluctantly to others.
Dear Heavenly Father, free us from our pride that keeps us from giving of ourselves to others. Allow us to focus on serving during our times of trials and tribulations. Bringing you honor and glory in our words and actions. Amen.

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