It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
In my Sunday school class I am doing a phenominal curriculum "The reason for God" by Timothy Keller. In this series Dr. Keller takes 6 individuals and discusses with them there lack of faith and belief in God. This allows for many questions to come up during our discussion time about our individual beliefs in following God. So my simple request to you is what are your personal reason for following God? We all have them, put some serious thought into it and see how your relationship will grow when you put some time into knowing why it is that you follow God. The greatest thing about this though is that you will have questions, and that is OK. As it states in James, if you lack understanding then ask? So when you do find yourself at a mute point, begin to ask about it.
Dear Heavenly Father, we question lots of things in life and those questions draw us closer to our belief. Allow us to ask question about you and your Son that we may not get, so in doing so we draw closeness with you. Amen.

I like what you're doing with your blog. Great format.