9 Love must be without hypocrisy
Arrgghhh! You mean to tell me that I can not just pretend to love my neighbor??? Jesus calls the Pharisees and Saducees "Hypocrits" for not living and loving from their hearts. Ouch! Pretty rough, yet how often do we go to church, youth groups, events with a heart full of hypocrisy. How can we worship God with so much disdane in our hearts and minds? So full of questions today, but think about it though. You cannot get in our car and immediatly drive away when the windshield is covered with snow or frost ( to those on the west coast , apologies if you do not understand this analogy). No you need to clean off the winshield first, then so is true when we approach God with worship, come with a clean heart and mind.
Dear Lord, you bless us with the ability to comprehend parables. Set our minds to focus on understanding how to come to you in worship and prayer. Clean our hearts out of the junk that we fill them with that are useless to you.

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