Matthew 20:28
New International Version (NIV)
28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
The key to the Kingdom for Jesus, God, and for us is sacrificial love. It's the tiny finger of God that has the power to overthrow evil and reveal the Kingdom here. The works of Jesus that healed the blind and fed the hungry revealed the power of love that broke into our world on Christmas. Every good deed has a cost requiring sacrifice of time, money , or effort. The power of the Kingdom is the love that will take the time, make the effort, and pay the money to do what needs to be done.* Hoping this will begin your journey for the season of advent as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in our worlds and hearts. The truth of the text above to me is the epitome of the season, and I hope you find your own reason this year to put Christ first, and keep him there all year long.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
The key to the Kingdom for Jesus, God, and for us is sacrificial love. It's the tiny finger of God that has the power to overthrow evil and reveal the Kingdom here. The works of Jesus that healed the blind and fed the hungry revealed the power of love that broke into our world on Christmas. Every good deed has a cost requiring sacrifice of time, money , or effort. The power of the Kingdom is the love that will take the time, make the effort, and pay the money to do what needs to be done.* Hoping this will begin your journey for the season of advent as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in our worlds and hearts. The truth of the text above to me is the epitome of the season, and I hope you find your own reason this year to put Christ first, and keep him there all year long.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

* adapted from advent devotional " Thy Kingdom come" by Robert Hereth.