Friday, July 29, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
It is so hard for me to fathom the fact that it is August already in 3 more days. Seriously where did this summer go? It seemed that at the beginning of it there was so much to do that it would last forever. Here we are contemplating starting another school year. Heavens Christmas is a mere 4.5 months away!! I put a challenge out to my family that this coming week we make it family week. Take the entire week and do stuff together instead of running around to different places and having to spend our time together on our way to dropping someone off. I would prefer the wek to go without electronics, no games, tv, computer etc. I know that will not happen but that is OK with me. We can use those things to spend time with each other. besides they will be busy enough with walks, camp outs, fishing, campfires, reunions, and Ok maybe a movie night! But, the older I get, and the kids get, I realize why our parents cherish the moments we get to spend together. They happen so few times that parents become grandparents without realizing it until there kids are not at home anymore and it hits you one day! Take time to make time to be with your family. There that is my challenge for all the readers this weekend. Spend time as a family, do something that you used to do but do not anymore because you got too busy. Enjoy those moments that God blesses you with.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Quick Gospel
Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Ever since I have been studying text for last weeks service, more and more of them keep coming to me in my readings about seeds, planting, being fruitful, and rooted all in God's words. But this one indicates that we we grow up in those words with trust and confidence nothing will be able to destroy us. Even the weeds that try to strangle us and keep us from growing for God. Find that tree that you used to swing on, or fish by as a kid. Yeah, the one that was always there for you, and is still there as you drive by that spot. That's what this scripture tells us that we will be with our confidence in God.
Dear Heavenly Father, as it is written in Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Let us be that tree planted firmly in you. Amen.
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Ever since I have been studying text for last weeks service, more and more of them keep coming to me in my readings about seeds, planting, being fruitful, and rooted all in God's words. But this one indicates that we we grow up in those words with trust and confidence nothing will be able to destroy us. Even the weeds that try to strangle us and keep us from growing for God. Find that tree that you used to swing on, or fish by as a kid. Yeah, the one that was always there for you, and is still there as you drive by that spot. That's what this scripture tells us that we will be with our confidence in God.
Dear Heavenly Father, as it is written in Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Let us be that tree planted firmly in you. Amen.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Thanks to Evan for directing me to this song. I have to say I have put it on heavy rotation these past couple of days and listened to it a lot. Evan you did a fantastic job with this song Sunday at church and hooked me onto it as well. So today's tune goes to Matt Maher with his song " Alive Again". Hope you enjoy this new found gem for me. Have a great, and blessed week.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Post 100!!
Hard to believe this is post # 100 for me and this blog already. Had great services yesterday, and as I stated before an even better time preparing for them with my time with God. Have a video to share with all today as the devotional. John 3:16...
Never forget the sacrifices made for you to enjoy each and everyday!
Never forget the sacrifices made for you to enjoy each and everyday!

Friday, July 22, 2011
Extra Innings for a Friday!!
This one just had to be shared for a great start to a wonderful weekend! Check out this website and watch what happens. Awesome!! True spirit, for sure!
Had to post this could not let it go without sharing.
Had to post this could not let it go without sharing.

Shared Thoughts
You want to get deeper with God. Put a church service together!! Patience will be the least of your prayers. As I prepare for mine this Sunday I have truly loved every minute of it. I have gotten so close to text and hearing from God that we seem like BFF's. Ironically enough as I just wrote that, I was tugged again in spirit saying confimring the fact that we will always be BFF's. To me this is my calling and this past week has made that obviously clear. I so look forward to Sunday and many more in the future sharing what God shares with me. You know though you do not need to be a theologian or pastor to do that. JUst simply live it out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Quick Gospel
Jeremiah 14:22
22 Can the no-gods of the godless nations cause rain? Can the sky water the earth by itself? You're the one, O God, who does this. So you're the one for whom we wait. You made it all, you do it all
Reading this text this morning made me think of the current need for rain. Not just here locally but practically the entire contingent United States. 40 of them are in need of desperate rains. Using this reference makes me think about how we let ourselves go through seasonal droughts with our relationship with God. When we dry up spiritually we cry out for God to bring a rain over us to allow us to grow. When he brings it, we usually soak it up quickly, then are crying again shortly after because we find ourselves in the drought again. The best solution to this is to never leave the "Living Water" and let it constantly refresh us.
Dear Heavenly Father, in seasons of dry spells you stay with us as we cry for rain. Your Word is the rain in our lives. Sometimes we need lots of it sometimes not, but we are in constant need of it. Thank you for that endless supply. Amen.
22 Can the no-gods of the godless nations cause rain? Can the sky water the earth by itself? You're the one, O God, who does this. So you're the one for whom we wait. You made it all, you do it all
Reading this text this morning made me think of the current need for rain. Not just here locally but practically the entire contingent United States. 40 of them are in need of desperate rains. Using this reference makes me think about how we let ourselves go through seasonal droughts with our relationship with God. When we dry up spiritually we cry out for God to bring a rain over us to allow us to grow. When he brings it, we usually soak it up quickly, then are crying again shortly after because we find ourselves in the drought again. The best solution to this is to never leave the "Living Water" and let it constantly refresh us.
Dear Heavenly Father, in seasons of dry spells you stay with us as we cry for rain. Your Word is the rain in our lives. Sometimes we need lots of it sometimes not, but we are in constant need of it. Thank you for that endless supply. Amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Friday, July 15, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
So I just watched the movie "Letters to God". After watching it I ponder for myself and for you the readers. What exactly would your letter to God read like? Would it read a lot like mine when I ask for fforgiveness for all the foolish things I have done and will forever do. How about the apologies for all the backsliding I do on a moment by moment basis when I fall away from God. Would yours include like mine a prayer to watch over my children, wife, mother (in-law), father (in law), brother (in laws), sister (in laws), nieces, cousins, aunts, uncles, my church family, coworkers, employers, business. Would it harbor some guilt for feelings of past loved ones hurts, and guilty conscience to spend one more day with them. How about plans for success and greed ( I do think it is OK to pray for success to be blessed financially for the glory of God, just do not let it rule your life!). Sometimes a real good head check with yourself after a movie like this puts life into a better perspective to just realize that life is precious and time does matter. Maybe not how much you spend at different points in life, but just the fact that you make memories in the moments you are blessed with. I think it is OK to write to God in your daily thoughts, letting him know of your pains, frustrations, wants, and desires. Lets not forget that he is already aware of them anyway, so all he ask of us to do is voice them to him so he knows that they come from our hearts. Today as you go about your daily walk in life, take time to write your letter to God asking him for the matters of your heart. When he hears them come form you he will know their sincerity, once they are off your chest too, you will be free as well.
Hope all of you have a great and wonderful weekend. May you be truly blessed in your walk with Jesus this weekend!
God Bless
Hope all of you have a great and wonderful weekend. May you be truly blessed in your walk with Jesus this weekend!
God Bless

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Quick Gospel
Psalm 23:4
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Lately there have been a lot of happenings in our community that probably have all of us wondering where God is at in our lives. Fire's concuming all pocessions, auto accidents taking young lives, drugs overflowing from with in our schools and homes. Where does that leave us to think, especially if you are a youth running around in the midst of this all. These are evil things and evil times in our lives and controlling our minds. This psalm is commonly used at times of death, but I like to use it at times of life too! When we are faced in our everyday living with bad things, this text gives us hope to know that God is with us at all times in our despair. As adults we should use this to be with youth as they go through these times to let them know that we are there for them as well as instruments from God to go through their emotions that they deal with. be the living rod and staff around them to show them God's love as they experience these loses. We can not worry about the right things to say, becasue God will give those words to us.
Dear God, we go through low times in life when we experience a loss or trial. Thank you for giving us the mentors in our lives to look up to for being your living rod and staff to help us along the way.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Lately there have been a lot of happenings in our community that probably have all of us wondering where God is at in our lives. Fire's concuming all pocessions, auto accidents taking young lives, drugs overflowing from with in our schools and homes. Where does that leave us to think, especially if you are a youth running around in the midst of this all. These are evil things and evil times in our lives and controlling our minds. This psalm is commonly used at times of death, but I like to use it at times of life too! When we are faced in our everyday living with bad things, this text gives us hope to know that God is with us at all times in our despair. As adults we should use this to be with youth as they go through these times to let them know that we are there for them as well as instruments from God to go through their emotions that they deal with. be the living rod and staff around them to show them God's love as they experience these loses. We can not worry about the right things to say, becasue God will give those words to us.
Dear God, we go through low times in life when we experience a loss or trial. Thank you for giving us the mentors in our lives to look up to for being your living rod and staff to help us along the way.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, July 11, 2011
Quick Gospel
Galatians 6:9-10
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Somewhere in time this weekend after haring my thoughts on friday's blog about apathy, this scripture pops up at me. In all that you do with all that you have in you, never grow weary or tired in doing it for Christ. In doing so, the harvest that you reap will be plentiful. So for today and tomorrow and after that, put your entire heart into doing good to ALL people and see how Christ moves in you, through you, and around you to others. This may very well be the answer to our apathy!
Dear Heavenly Father, we tend to grow weary and tired in doing life with out reward. We think what we are doing is worthless. Yet in today's scripture we learn that when we do it for your glory and not ours it blesses all those involved, and around us. Amen.
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Somewhere in time this weekend after haring my thoughts on friday's blog about apathy, this scripture pops up at me. In all that you do with all that you have in you, never grow weary or tired in doing it for Christ. In doing so, the harvest that you reap will be plentiful. So for today and tomorrow and after that, put your entire heart into doing good to ALL people and see how Christ moves in you, through you, and around you to others. This may very well be the answer to our apathy!
Dear Heavenly Father, we tend to grow weary and tired in doing life with out reward. We think what we are doing is worthless. Yet in today's scripture we learn that when we do it for your glory and not ours it blesses all those involved, and around us. Amen.

Friday, July 8, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
Written on a wall in my hometown is the following statement...
"Apathy is the enemy"
So, I give you the definition of the word "apathy"...
"Apathy is the enemy"
So, I give you the definition of the word "apathy"...
lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
So I ask you is apathy the enemy that we face?
Absolutely, In the past few years I have watched myself and lots of others around me fall into this pit. We begin so fired up about a task or thought, ready to face any giant that we have to, to get our plans in motion. Then some time later we check back in to see how things are going, only to find out that we are no longer as interested as we were before. Why, has that happened? We lose our passion, and excitement over it. Well, then why does that happen. We get so busy with so much other stuff that we forget why we wanted to do it in the first place. Albeit, I suffer from this sickness too. Just a few short years ago I had such a drive and passion to be around youth and change their lives. Then the busyness of it all started happening and in that busy life I just put off to the side my plans for teaching youth about Christ. I got so caught up in the entertaining of the youth to keep them coming to meetings and groups that I fell away from why I wanted to change their lives to begin with. I have watched youth become the same way, in their walk with Christ. It becomes so secondary to them that they sometimes can not even notice. I had a great conversation one day with a volunteer at the local homeless shelter (she also is on the local school board as well). We talked about this very subject and how it is overtaking the kids in our community. We in the older generation give the kids nothing to admire, or achieve for so why should we expect them to have a yearning desire to make anything better? I am not writing this as a piece to attack government or anything like that. I seriously want you to pay attention to what you wanted to do and be as a youth and see where that turned the tide to who you are today. More than likely we just say "That's life, it happens"! Maybe so, but what if Christ approached it in that manner? What if He just said "Ooo OK Satan is that all I need to do to have this cup removed from me... you know life is not as easy as I wanted it so this is the easier way out." Thank God he did not approach it in that manner. What is the type of apathy that is holding you back? For me, I am turning the heat up on myself and getting back into more personal time with God, and reaching youth that need to be reached with His Words, because that is where I feel lead and called to be. In a time of backsliding I learned but one thing, when you lose the passion and excitement for life the devil is running your life. Who is running yours?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Quick Gospel
Jeremiah 7:30
30 " 'The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes, declares the LORD. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it.
This text to me is a sure fire agreement in my mind that yes God does get angry. For defiling all that is is considered holy to Him. You are holy in the sight of the Lord, yet we continue to defile ourselves every day with letting the world corrupt us. If you need an opportunity to turn away from that life do it NOW. Repent for all the wrong doings in your life, and begin to live for the God that made and formed you even before your were a thought. That is the awesomeness of our God, as well that can be the awesomeness of His destruction too!
Awesome God, you truly can make all things good. Allow us to grasp that concept and live it in our days. Amen.
30 " 'The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes, declares the LORD. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it.
This text to me is a sure fire agreement in my mind that yes God does get angry. For defiling all that is is considered holy to Him. You are holy in the sight of the Lord, yet we continue to defile ourselves every day with letting the world corrupt us. If you need an opportunity to turn away from that life do it NOW. Repent for all the wrong doings in your life, and begin to live for the God that made and formed you even before your were a thought. That is the awesomeness of our God, as well that can be the awesomeness of His destruction too!
Awesome God, you truly can make all things good. Allow us to grasp that concept and live it in our days. Amen.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, July 4, 2011
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