Friday, July 29, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
It is so hard for me to fathom the fact that it is August already in 3 more days. Seriously where did this summer go? It seemed that at the beginning of it there was so much to do that it would last forever. Here we are contemplating starting another school year. Heavens Christmas is a mere 4.5 months away!! I put a challenge out to my family that this coming week we make it family week. Take the entire week and do stuff together instead of running around to different places and having to spend our time together on our way to dropping someone off. I would prefer the wek to go without electronics, no games, tv, computer etc. I know that will not happen but that is OK with me. We can use those things to spend time with each other. besides they will be busy enough with walks, camp outs, fishing, campfires, reunions, and Ok maybe a movie night! But, the older I get, and the kids get, I realize why our parents cherish the moments we get to spend together. They happen so few times that parents become grandparents without realizing it until there kids are not at home anymore and it hits you one day! Take time to make time to be with your family. There that is my challenge for all the readers this weekend. Spend time as a family, do something that you used to do but do not anymore because you got too busy. Enjoy those moments that God blesses you with.

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Thanks for this great post! John and I strive to make spending time with our girls our top priority, because before we are ready, they will be grown and gone. Just last night I snuggled with Rebecca and chatted with her until she fell asleep, then John, Sarah and I sat together and watched an animal show on National Geographic until we all fell asleep...PRICELESS MOMENTS!!! Our evenings together make the craziness of the day just go away!! Thanks again for the post! Chasity