22 Can the no-gods of the godless nations cause rain? Can the sky water the earth by itself? You're the one, O God, who does this. So you're the one for whom we wait. You made it all, you do it all
Reading this text this morning made me think of the current need for rain. Not just here locally but practically the entire contingent United States. 40 of them are in need of desperate rains. Using this reference makes me think about how we let ourselves go through seasonal droughts with our relationship with God. When we dry up spiritually we cry out for God to bring a rain over us to allow us to grow. When he brings it, we usually soak it up quickly, then are crying again shortly after because we find ourselves in the drought again. The best solution to this is to never leave the "Living Water" and let it constantly refresh us.
Dear Heavenly Father, in seasons of dry spells you stay with us as we cry for rain. Your Word is the rain in our lives. Sometimes we need lots of it sometimes not, but we are in constant need of it. Thank you for that endless supply. Amen.

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