"Apathy is the enemy"
So, I give you the definition of the word "apathy"...
lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
So I ask you is apathy the enemy that we face?
Absolutely, In the past few years I have watched myself and lots of others around me fall into this pit. We begin so fired up about a task or thought, ready to face any giant that we have to, to get our plans in motion. Then some time later we check back in to see how things are going, only to find out that we are no longer as interested as we were before. Why, has that happened? We lose our passion, and excitement over it. Well, then why does that happen. We get so busy with so much other stuff that we forget why we wanted to do it in the first place. Albeit, I suffer from this sickness too. Just a few short years ago I had such a drive and passion to be around youth and change their lives. Then the busyness of it all started happening and in that busy life I just put off to the side my plans for teaching youth about Christ. I got so caught up in the entertaining of the youth to keep them coming to meetings and groups that I fell away from why I wanted to change their lives to begin with. I have watched youth become the same way, in their walk with Christ. It becomes so secondary to them that they sometimes can not even notice. I had a great conversation one day with a volunteer at the local homeless shelter (she also is on the local school board as well). We talked about this very subject and how it is overtaking the kids in our community. We in the older generation give the kids nothing to admire, or achieve for so why should we expect them to have a yearning desire to make anything better? I am not writing this as a piece to attack government or anything like that. I seriously want you to pay attention to what you wanted to do and be as a youth and see where that turned the tide to who you are today. More than likely we just say "That's life, it happens"! Maybe so, but what if Christ approached it in that manner? What if He just said "Ooo OK Satan is that all I need to do to have this cup removed from me... you know life is not as easy as I wanted it so this is the easier way out." Thank God he did not approach it in that manner. What is the type of apathy that is holding you back? For me, I am turning the heat up on myself and getting back into more personal time with God, and reaching youth that need to be reached with His Words, because that is where I feel lead and called to be. In a time of backsliding I learned but one thing, when you lose the passion and excitement for life the devil is running your life. Who is running yours?

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