Yeah, that's a lot of text reading to comprehend. However it was at that point that reading this book in the bible made sense to me. Chapter 1-38 indicates God speaking to the prophet Jeremiah about the destruction that god will do to Jerusalem for not obeying God and His commands. By the 30th chapter or so I as a reader began to say alright already, enough just unleash your vengeance and get it done with. Then each chapter after I was feeling the same thing, until I hit chapter 36. Nothing extremely different about that chapter that's just when it hit me. God is giving Jerusalem every opportunity to straighten up and get it right. Just like he does with us every time he tells us what we are not doing right... Ouch!! that hurt. All the stuff I choose to ignore, all the stuff I think or say when no one is around thinking I am alone. Yep that's the stuff he is waiting for you to change in your life. Just like He waited for Jerusalem to change. Well in chapter 39 God finally unloads all over Jerusalem as he said he would in His Prophecies to Jeremiah. Just like he will do to you too for not listening or obeying. Yep, all that reading to me seemed senseless until I hit that point of the book and it made sense to me. I do challenge any of you to read this book if you have never done it, and find out if it hits you like it hits me. Makes you want to change, that's for sure. It still does amaze me that after all these years and centuries after being written it still affects you in today's day and age. God's word truly is still living today!

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