Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
As promised today one of the most popular artsit to appear this week at Creation will be Toby Mac. This weks center stage presents Toby's video "Lose my Soul" . Enjoy it and have a blessed day!

Monday, June 27, 2011
It is Creation Week (yeah!!!!) I will be taking the week off from writing and thoughts and devotions. As I prepare myself for hearing God's words over the next week at this event. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed week. I will be back next week share many thoughts. Tuned in Tiesday will be posted tomorrow as one more day closer with a great act to be performing this year.
God Bless
God Bless

Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday Thoughts
Based on Jeremiah 5:9
So exactly who do you consider to be a nation? Is it the country you live in? Would you consider your own body to be a nation? I ask this because as it states in the scripture I am basing this writing from, that God is questioning whether or not the nation (in this case Jerusalem) should be avenged for it's malicious wrong doings. Many folks call our nation a christian nation, ironically to me they are the same ones that call themselves Christians too! Now, before I write on let me say that I do not write this as any attack on anybody. Just some basic observations that I make. To be a Christians implies that you are Christ-like. Do you see that in your daily walk from this nation? Do you see that in your daily walk from yourself? If your answer is no than, we can not question God when he chooses to avenge on us for these wrong doings. Ahhh, yes, here is where it turns into grey matter, at least for me. What if what you are doing, you feel is right? My suggestion to this is to PRAY about it. Praying does not mean justifying it to God your thoughts or deeds, it means to talk to God about it, listen to what is said to you, then going into the Word where you are told to go and do! So what exactly are these jumbled thoughts of mine? We as individuals are responsible for our own actions, what we do, we will need to answer to God on our judgement day. Yet, we truly need to walk heeding everything we are told, for we do not know the hour or day. As a nation,together, and individually, when we call ourselves to be Christ-like (Christian) then we are to walk and talk upright. Or like Jerusalem, Sodom & Gomorrah, God will avenge wrath onto us and the only ones responsible for it is ourselves.
So exactly who do you consider to be a nation? Is it the country you live in? Would you consider your own body to be a nation? I ask this because as it states in the scripture I am basing this writing from, that God is questioning whether or not the nation (in this case Jerusalem) should be avenged for it's malicious wrong doings. Many folks call our nation a christian nation, ironically to me they are the same ones that call themselves Christians too! Now, before I write on let me say that I do not write this as any attack on anybody. Just some basic observations that I make. To be a Christians implies that you are Christ-like. Do you see that in your daily walk from this nation? Do you see that in your daily walk from yourself? If your answer is no than, we can not question God when he chooses to avenge on us for these wrong doings. Ahhh, yes, here is where it turns into grey matter, at least for me. What if what you are doing, you feel is right? My suggestion to this is to PRAY about it. Praying does not mean justifying it to God your thoughts or deeds, it means to talk to God about it, listen to what is said to you, then going into the Word where you are told to go and do! So what exactly are these jumbled thoughts of mine? We as individuals are responsible for our own actions, what we do, we will need to answer to God on our judgement day. Yet, we truly need to walk heeding everything we are told, for we do not know the hour or day. As a nation,together, and individually, when we call ourselves to be Christ-like (Christian) then we are to walk and talk upright. Or like Jerusalem, Sodom & Gomorrah, God will avenge wrath onto us and the only ones responsible for it is ourselves.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Quick Gospel
Exodus 14:21
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and God, with a terrific east wind all night long, made the sea go back. He made the sea dry ground. The seawaters split.
Vacation bible school this week has the kids going to the Old Testament and learning about the acts of God through Moses. It truly astounds me beyond belief how in the oddest moves Moses puts his trust in God. Literally putting his actions into holding up a stick that is blessed by God to control the ocean. In today's terms we would view that in the world as probably, o.. I don't know shall we say..."fruitcake". A little off the wall...kind of yeah! You see though that is the amazement of God though. pay attention in your day today, He will have you doing, saying, and thinking all kinds of things that to the world view are odd. Yet when we follow through they make sense, because God's hand is over it. When that happens, you can not hold back from Him moving in your life. Seriously, pay attention today to your thoughts, and your actions. You'll see it, trust me.
Dear Lord, in all that you move in my life, my hands and feet are the most important. They take me where you need me and do what you need me to do. Not all the time does it make sense, but as Moses trusted you in his staff. I trust you in your calling over my life. With your wisdom, courage, and strength to guide me all the way. Amen.
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and God, with a terrific east wind all night long, made the sea go back. He made the sea dry ground. The seawaters split.
Vacation bible school this week has the kids going to the Old Testament and learning about the acts of God through Moses. It truly astounds me beyond belief how in the oddest moves Moses puts his trust in God. Literally putting his actions into holding up a stick that is blessed by God to control the ocean. In today's terms we would view that in the world as probably, o.. I don't know shall we say..."fruitcake". A little off the wall...kind of yeah! You see though that is the amazement of God though. pay attention in your day today, He will have you doing, saying, and thinking all kinds of things that to the world view are odd. Yet when we follow through they make sense, because God's hand is over it. When that happens, you can not hold back from Him moving in your life. Seriously, pay attention today to your thoughts, and your actions. You'll see it, trust me.
Dear Lord, in all that you move in my life, my hands and feet are the most important. They take me where you need me and do what you need me to do. Not all the time does it make sense, but as Moses trusted you in his staff. I trust you in your calling over my life. With your wisdom, courage, and strength to guide me all the way. Amen.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tuned In Tuesday
One of the most anticipated moments for me and my son this year at Creation Fest 2011 will come when Adam Young (Owl City) takes center stage to perform. Certainly am looking most forward to this experience. So this week I am showing his brand new release entitled "Alligator Sky". This one will not go down as one of the new classic hymns, but he knows how to keep it interesting for the listeners. Hope you find that same enjoyment out of it that I do. Blessing to you all and a great week ahead!

Monday, June 20, 2011
Quick Gospel
Proverbs 11:25
The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped
I just wanted to share with all a great big thank you for making this current fund raiser the success that it has become. From your generousity, you will be richly blessed as well.
Dear Gracious Father, Thank you for the work that you are doing with my youth group. Thank you for allowing us to be your called hands and feet in our community. Reaching out and helping others, is more than a calling. It is your commandment. Let us walk freely in it. Amen!
The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped
I just wanted to share with all a great big thank you for making this current fund raiser the success that it has become. From your generousity, you will be richly blessed as well.
Dear Gracious Father, Thank you for the work that you are doing with my youth group. Thank you for allowing us to be your called hands and feet in our community. Reaching out and helping others, is more than a calling. It is your commandment. Let us walk freely in it. Amen!

Friday, June 17, 2011
Friday Thoughts!
So God has laid a word on my mind and I feel my heart as well. Yet, I am unsure as to why. Like all other things that I question God on, I know in His time it will be "Revealed". Funny thing is that is the word- Reveal- I have been looking up scripture with it in usage. I have been studying the Greek derivative of the word. It is even in my heart to go to the Hebrew translation, and even Latin. I have never done this before, but am going where it leads me to. Something will come from it, and when it does it will be one of those "AAAHAA" moments. In the mean time though I feel like a little kid again waiting for the newest video game or movie release. "When is it going to happen, when is it going to happen?" Some bible use the word "appear" As if it will be something that I will be able to physically see. When I think of something being revealed in the Bible I go to the book of Revelations immediately. When John goes through the book for us it is obvious what happens to us the reader, can you only imagine what it must have been like for him to experience that though. Seminarians argue over which John it actually is that wrote Revelations. Whether it be John the disciple, or John the baptist, but then again seminarians tend to argue about almost anything ( I jest with that comment). Either on take their names out and replace it with yours as you read it. now how does it read and picture for yourself what is getting revealed in that text... wait for it ...wait for it... pretty awesome isn't it!! See we have this mind set that the bible is written about people, and places, and they all have names. They make good reads for us to go to bed each night or wake up each day. when we make them personal though they become our stories, our lives, trials, triumphs. To me that is how the entire New Testament is intended to be read. For us individually, allowing us to grasp what Jesus says in his parables, and life stories. They become our own. Your bible might say on the side of it NIV, KJV, or NKJV, whatever the initials are replace them with yours, because that is why this God inspired book is written for you! See what it may reveal to you today!
Colossians 3:4 (HCSB)(or the CraigAllanSagerBible)
When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
How awesome is that!!!
Colossians 3:4 (HCSB)(or the CraigAllanSagerBible)
When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
How awesome is that!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Quick Gospel
Jeremiah 2:35
you say, 'I am innocent; he is not angry with me.' But I will pass judgment on you because you say, 'I have not sinned.'
How often have you said to yourself, " Oh that is not that bad, others have done worse"? Yet, according to this scripture you can not call yourself to be innocent even if it is just a small thing. it is not for us to pass judgement onto oursleves to free us of feeling guilty. It is God's spirit that will do that to you. If anyone knows about feeling a spirit it would be the disciples that locked themselves up in the upper room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come. This week as we enter the liturgical portion of the year known as pentacost, let us listen for that voice to free us from what we can not let go of.
All gracious and mighty God, in our minds we are captives to our judgements. In your eyes we are free from that stain on our lives. All becasue of your Son Jesus. Amen!
you say, 'I am innocent; he is not angry with me.' But I will pass judgment on you because you say, 'I have not sinned.'
How often have you said to yourself, " Oh that is not that bad, others have done worse"? Yet, according to this scripture you can not call yourself to be innocent even if it is just a small thing. it is not for us to pass judgement onto oursleves to free us of feeling guilty. It is God's spirit that will do that to you. If anyone knows about feeling a spirit it would be the disciples that locked themselves up in the upper room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come. This week as we enter the liturgical portion of the year known as pentacost, let us listen for that voice to free us from what we can not let go of.
All gracious and mighty God, in our minds we are captives to our judgements. In your eyes we are free from that stain on our lives. All becasue of your Son Jesus. Amen!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, June 13, 2011
Quick Gospel
Jeremiah 1:5a
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
In the realm of your day this scripture kind of makes you want to re-think your plans, at least it does for me! But, then again they were never your plans to begin with!!
Praise God in all things on earth below, Praise Him above yee heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy ghost. Amen.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
In the realm of your day this scripture kind of makes you want to re-think your plans, at least it does for me! But, then again they were never your plans to begin with!!
Praise God in all things on earth below, Praise Him above yee heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy ghost. Amen.

Friday, June 10, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
Based from Jeremiah 29:11
So what are your plans for the summer? Tired of being asked that question? Truly sometimes I think that God is probably tired of hearing that type of question too. "So God when will my prayers get answered, when will you bless me..." Probably sounds familiar. Are you a believer that your life is pre-destined, or do you think life happens on a whim? Me, I think life is pre-destined. What do I mean by that? Nothing just coincidentally just happens. All things are through Christ. So therefore His plans for you, he already knows about them. He knows when we are going to continuously nag him for answers to our prayers. We just need to convince ourselves that the answer is already there, he just has not revealed it to us yet. When we wrap our heads around the fact that God has plans made for us even before we are conceived in our mother's wombs. Here is the joy in this scripture though, he does not just plan for us to get by in life, and just scrap the bottom of the barrel to live on. He has planned for our future to be of great fortune and prosperous. All we have to do is abide in Him and to Him. To me a great scripture to back this concept up is found in John 10:10 "I have come so that you may have it (life) more abundantly. Abundantly in this phrase is from the Greek translation of "spilling over". Which to me means more than we can handle. And it is all to be for our good, for us to prosper with. Amazing when you stop and think about it. Life is planned out for us each, and it is planned to be good and fortunate for each one of us. So then what happens that our lives seem to be in such upheaval. We take control, and try to go through life with our own destinies, and we walk away form letting God control our steps. So what are your plans for the summer? let God take you where we needs you, how about those plans!!
So what are your plans for the summer? Tired of being asked that question? Truly sometimes I think that God is probably tired of hearing that type of question too. "So God when will my prayers get answered, when will you bless me..." Probably sounds familiar. Are you a believer that your life is pre-destined, or do you think life happens on a whim? Me, I think life is pre-destined. What do I mean by that? Nothing just coincidentally just happens. All things are through Christ. So therefore His plans for you, he already knows about them. He knows when we are going to continuously nag him for answers to our prayers. We just need to convince ourselves that the answer is already there, he just has not revealed it to us yet. When we wrap our heads around the fact that God has plans made for us even before we are conceived in our mother's wombs. Here is the joy in this scripture though, he does not just plan for us to get by in life, and just scrap the bottom of the barrel to live on. He has planned for our future to be of great fortune and prosperous. All we have to do is abide in Him and to Him. To me a great scripture to back this concept up is found in John 10:10 "I have come so that you may have it (life) more abundantly. Abundantly in this phrase is from the Greek translation of "spilling over". Which to me means more than we can handle. And it is all to be for our good, for us to prosper with. Amazing when you stop and think about it. Life is planned out for us each, and it is planned to be good and fortunate for each one of us. So then what happens that our lives seem to be in such upheaval. We take control, and try to go through life with our own destinies, and we walk away form letting God control our steps. So what are your plans for the summer? let God take you where we needs you, how about those plans!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Quick Gospel
Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together
What a concept. Makes me think of the Louie Giglio segment of Laninin-(sp?) The make up of humans is held together by a DNA strand that is in the form of the cross. How awesome is that? In my recent posts I have been sharing how I feel lost with no communications with God lately. Then form the mouth of a colleague of mine this simple truth came. ALL THINGS ( to help you understand this better, look around you for 10 seconds right where you are......., everything that you just saw is from God) HOLD TOGETHER ( picture the macaroni painting that you or your child did in grade school, all the dried up glue on it, yep, that's what holds it all together) IN HIM ( The creator of all that you just breathed in and saw in between your blinks) How simply amazing and awesome is that feeling? In the path that we feel like we are wolking all alone, we are being help together by HIM, and HE is carrying us!!!
Dear Lord, thank you a million times over for holding my hand, and me together in the mess that I make in life. Amen!
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together
What a concept. Makes me think of the Louie Giglio segment of Laninin-(sp?) The make up of humans is held together by a DNA strand that is in the form of the cross. How awesome is that? In my recent posts I have been sharing how I feel lost with no communications with God lately. Then form the mouth of a colleague of mine this simple truth came. ALL THINGS ( to help you understand this better, look around you for 10 seconds right where you are......., everything that you just saw is from God) HOLD TOGETHER ( picture the macaroni painting that you or your child did in grade school, all the dried up glue on it, yep, that's what holds it all together) IN HIM ( The creator of all that you just breathed in and saw in between your blinks) How simply amazing and awesome is that feeling? In the path that we feel like we are wolking all alone, we are being help together by HIM, and HE is carrying us!!!
Dear Lord, thank you a million times over for holding my hand, and me together in the mess that I make in life. Amen!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, June 6, 2011
Quick Gospel
Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God;
So this was the majority response to my thoughts I shared on friday. In what seems like the unreachable existence of a living God. He is right beside you carrying you. Even when it seems like he is nowhere around. He is carrying you! Thanks all for sharing!
Heavenly Gracious Father, you are forever by our sides carrying us when we are too weak to even know it. Praises to you God, Thanks for hand to hold and the shoulder to sry on when needed most. Amen!
"Be still, and know that I am God;
So this was the majority response to my thoughts I shared on friday. In what seems like the unreachable existence of a living God. He is right beside you carrying you. Even when it seems like he is nowhere around. He is carrying you! Thanks all for sharing!
Heavenly Gracious Father, you are forever by our sides carrying us when we are too weak to even know it. Praises to you God, Thanks for hand to hold and the shoulder to sry on when needed most. Amen!

Friday, June 3, 2011
Shared Thoughts!
So, in the past 2 weeks I have been trying to get closer to God. But a void just continues to thrive in me. Do not get me wrong I have great moments with God, yet they seem to come and go as with the next breath. Feeling close though is a hard task to attain. I have forced myself to sit quietly and listen, I have listened in conversations,and even in music. I feel his presence with me, just do not feel him close to me. How does one go about getting that back? In the past 2 weeks I have had an extremely busy schedule too! maybe that is the comparison. Recently I wrote about how no matter how busy our schedules get filled we need to find that moment to be with God. Maybe, I have been with God but have not given myself completely to Him during that time. Hmm! So today I will do my best to listen, an act on what He tells me to do and more importantly what He tells me to say! In that maybe that closeness that I miss will return. In seems that in the busyness of each task we become to comfortable pushing God back a little further till it becomes to late to see that he is not that important to us anymore. All I pray is that does not happen with me, so here is where I call on my accountability mentors to not let that happen to me. And that should apply to all of us in life. We need to be accountable for noticing when God does not seem important to others around us, and bring that up to our friends and families before it is too late for them and God has left there lives too!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Quick Gospel
Isaiah 61:11
For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
I love this time of year with new gardens beginning to grow and they look so wonderful. We anticipate all the good drop we will harvest from it. But yet no matter how much work we put into it, with watering, feeding, weeding. How the garden does is up to God. The seeds could be duds and not produce any crop at all. Or they could sprout up and harvest a prize winning crop. While the seeds lie there in the ground, they are preparing to do just what they were created to do. Unlike us, we were created to be a harvest as well, but we messed that up in the garden of Eden. All we needed to do was love God and we would grow into a prize winning harvest for Him. But, we had to go and use our free will and make a decision that forever kept us from being just what God wanted us to be. He just wanted us to lay in the ground and do his command and grow up to be His harvest. So glad that God gave us the example of the seed to use as a way that we are to live life. Look at all the stories and parables that are used in the bible using seeds as examples. The mustard seed, the sewer's seeds, are two of the most famous ones that we know. How do those stories compare to how we are to live life?
Dear Heavenly Father, from the seed you will harvest the crop of humans that grow and do your work. May we all be a beautiful harvest. Amen.
For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
I love this time of year with new gardens beginning to grow and they look so wonderful. We anticipate all the good drop we will harvest from it. But yet no matter how much work we put into it, with watering, feeding, weeding. How the garden does is up to God. The seeds could be duds and not produce any crop at all. Or they could sprout up and harvest a prize winning crop. While the seeds lie there in the ground, they are preparing to do just what they were created to do. Unlike us, we were created to be a harvest as well, but we messed that up in the garden of Eden. All we needed to do was love God and we would grow into a prize winning harvest for Him. But, we had to go and use our free will and make a decision that forever kept us from being just what God wanted us to be. He just wanted us to lay in the ground and do his command and grow up to be His harvest. So glad that God gave us the example of the seed to use as a way that we are to live life. Look at all the stories and parables that are used in the bible using seeds as examples. The mustard seed, the sewer's seeds, are two of the most famous ones that we know. How do those stories compare to how we are to live life?
Dear Heavenly Father, from the seed you will harvest the crop of humans that grow and do your work. May we all be a beautiful harvest. Amen.

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