So God has laid a word on my mind and I feel my heart as well. Yet, I am unsure as to why. Like all other things that I question God on, I know in His time it will be "Revealed". Funny thing is that is the word- Reveal- I have been looking up scripture with it in usage. I have been studying the Greek derivative of the word. It is even in my heart to go to the Hebrew translation, and even Latin. I have never done this before, but am going where it leads me to. Something will come from it, and when it does it will be one of those "AAAHAA" moments. In the mean time though I feel like a little kid again waiting for the newest video game or movie release. "When is it going to happen, when is it going to happen?" Some bible use the word "appear" As if it will be something that I will be able to physically see. When I think of something being revealed in the Bible I go to the book of Revelations immediately. When John goes through the book for us it is obvious what happens to us the reader, can you only imagine what it must have been like for him to experience that though. Seminarians argue over which John it actually is that wrote Revelations. Whether it be John the disciple, or John the baptist, but then again seminarians tend to argue about almost anything ( I jest with that comment). Either on take their names out and replace it with yours as you read it. now how does it read and picture for yourself what is getting revealed in that text... wait for it ...wait for it... pretty awesome isn't it!! See we have this mind set that the bible is written about people, and places, and they all have names. They make good reads for us to go to bed each night or wake up each day. when we make them personal though they become our stories, our lives, trials, triumphs. To me that is how the entire New Testament is intended to be read. For us individually, allowing us to grasp what Jesus says in his parables, and life stories. They become our own. Your bible might say on the side of it NIV, KJV, or NKJV, whatever the initials are replace them with yours, because that is why this God inspired book is written for you! See what it may
reveal to you today!
Colossians 3:4 (HCSB)(or the
When the Messiah, who is your
life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
How awesome is that!!!
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