He is before all things, and in him all things hold together
What a concept. Makes me think of the Louie Giglio segment of Laninin-(sp?) The make up of humans is held together by a DNA strand that is in the form of the cross. How awesome is that? In my recent posts I have been sharing how I feel lost with no communications with God lately. Then form the mouth of a colleague of mine this simple truth came. ALL THINGS ( to help you understand this better, look around you for 10 seconds right where you are......., everything that you just saw is from God) HOLD TOGETHER ( picture the macaroni painting that you or your child did in grade school, all the dried up glue on it, yep, that's what holds it all together) IN HIM ( The creator of all that you just breathed in and saw in between your blinks) How simply amazing and awesome is that feeling? In the path that we feel like we are wolking all alone, we are being help together by HIM, and HE is carrying us!!!
Dear Lord, thank you a million times over for holding my hand, and me together in the mess that I make in life. Amen!

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