So what are your plans for the summer? Tired of being asked that question? Truly sometimes I think that God is probably tired of hearing that type of question too. "So God when will my prayers get answered, when will you bless me..." Probably sounds familiar. Are you a believer that your life is pre-destined, or do you think life happens on a whim? Me, I think life is pre-destined. What do I mean by that? Nothing just coincidentally just happens. All things are through Christ. So therefore His plans for you, he already knows about them. He knows when we are going to continuously nag him for answers to our prayers. We just need to convince ourselves that the answer is already there, he just has not revealed it to us yet. When we wrap our heads around the fact that God has plans made for us even before we are conceived in our mother's wombs. Here is the joy in this scripture though, he does not just plan for us to get by in life, and just scrap the bottom of the barrel to live on. He has planned for our future to be of great fortune and prosperous. All we have to do is abide in Him and to Him. To me a great scripture to back this concept up is found in John 10:10 "I have come so that you may have it (life) more abundantly. Abundantly in this phrase is from the Greek translation of "spilling over". Which to me means more than we can handle. And it is all to be for our good, for us to prosper with. Amazing when you stop and think about it. Life is planned out for us each, and it is planned to be good and fortunate for each one of us. So then what happens that our lives seem to be in such upheaval. We take control, and try to go through life with our own destinies, and we walk away form letting God control our steps. So what are your plans for the summer? let God take you where we needs you, how about those plans!!

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