It's me again, it ain't been getting any easier since last we spoke. Life on Earth is pretty trying most days. Most days I walk around mad at the world or even YOU God, cause I don't get it. The apathy that has become the sickness in our culture. Heck, it even rears it's ugly head at church, your worship center God. Satan has us on the mountain top showing us what can be ours simply by following him. God, I need you to take back control of me, my life, my house, my family, my friends, my church, my community, my country my world.
What's that you say?
You can't do that until I relinquish the grip I have on this world.
God, give me the strength to open my hands up and let go of what has me bound to this world. Give me the wisdom to know that by doing so you will take care of me. Give me the courage to then take it into my life, my house, my family, my friends, my church, my community, my country, and my world. This will be new territory for me this modern day Moses that you have called to set your people free. Never leave me nor forsake me, that's what you promise me you'll do. God you have given me no room to doubt that, so blessed I will be.

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