"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
Yaaawwnn! Waking up on a monday morning is a difficult task for most. Like myself, waking up with back aches and the daunting concept of another week starting. Especially for myself where it feels like there is no weekend anymore. But look at me grumble over these small trivial details. That is what makes the secular world full of darkness. As I tell my Sunday school and youth group kids, The only reason that this world seems so dark is becasue it is absent of light. We, that call oursleves christians are to be that light. How many times does someone come to you in a days time maybe just for a brief second or two for advice, consulation? How do we respond, even as a church, by shrugging them off because we are to tired to deal with it. Well to me this verse plainly tells us to WAKE UP AND DEAL WITH IT!! If we don't, the devil will get you right where he wants you...idle hands!!!
Awesome God, we get tired, most of the time that is all you hear from us. Lord give us the wisdom, courage, strength, and patience that is required to get through each of our days being the light that you call us to be. Let us go out and be that light in this dark world that so many are lost in.

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