So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, "Which one do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?"
What a week this is in the life of the church! Our Pastor at my church has a great way of taking the hidden messages in text and allowing me to see them in a different way. A gift I think it is, and the congregation loves him for that ability too! In pointing out the truths of today's Christians, we seem to bee like the Jews of that day. How? Because ask any ordinary christian this question. Would you willingly take the place of Jesus on the cross, or just stand at the feet of the cross? There lies the difference between disciple and admirer! The Jews willingly took Barabbas, a convicted felon of the time to free him over Jesus. How many Christians do you know that choose that every day by their reactions to calls for help. Choosing something else over following Christ! Gulp!! That is indeed a very hard pill to swallow. Yet in essence that is what we do each, and every time we choose to not follow God's will for our lives. Think of how differently life would be had you listened and DONE all that He called you to do. Here is the greatest point though to Christ taking the cross for us, we can freely choose right now to change our lives and live them for God in the very next decision that you make, and then after that, and so on. How great is our God?
Giver of light and dark, this week let us not think about anything else other that what you sent your Son to do for each of us on the cross in Calvary. Amen!

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