he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.
With whom do you feel most fluent? For whom do you feel most compassion? (exert from Max Lucado's Out live you Life) it always amazes me when I see someone finally get it. The fact that Our God has taken time to create us as a being of his own image. He did this after creating the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the oceans...need I go on. The most magnificent things in teh world have been created by God. And he also created us...magnificent as well. So why then can we not imagine that God has a pre-destined plan for all of our lives. There is something in each and everyone of us that God has a plan for us to be able to reach. Who is yours? The elderly, the sick, the lost, the youth, the homeless!!! If we can just take off our masquerade to go and do. We would be able to see what God wants for us all. More importantly we would be able to view who it is that God has planned for us to reach.
Dear God, remove my blinders so that I can se who it is you need me to reach and teach.

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