I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Dr. Bridgeman, my professor, has made this statement numerous times in class to get us aware of our surroundings and the available help that we sometimes do not see or notice. So the statement is " use all of your resources", how true of a statement that is too. When we think we can not find another way to solve a problem, or we get lost in translation over something we have a tendency to shut down and give up. This is also true when it comes to following God. I myself fall into this stigmatism of relying soley on me to accomplish things. But, then get discouraged and walk away not seeing before me a golden opportunity that God has placed infront of me because I am not using all of my available resources. Keeping the Word of God in your heart is the best resource you can have and use. This allows you to, at all times, be prepared and keep your eyes open for those resoures that God is supplying you with.
Almighty God, again we fall short of being true followers of you and your Son. Give us the understanding to look for all that you provide for us in all the situations that this worldly life throws at us. Open the eyes of my heart Lord I want to see you!

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