13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14 for it is light that makes everything visible.Thought:It always seems like the Sunday after we spring the clocks forward is easy for me. Yet, the monday though is a different story. I am used to waking up early in the morning with the sun creeping into the window. Not today though no sun at all almost until it was time to put my son on the bus did I begin to see any sight of the sun. With that light it makes all seem like it should, so when it is not there it makes it hard to crawl out of bed and face the day. Likewise if we replace the "u" in sun and make it an "o" as in Son, does not this same concept apply? Too many of us face each day with out the help of the light that comes from our Father's Son. Without that light, we will walk in eternal darkness, is that really what God intended His creation to do?I don't think so!!Prayer:Father Almighty, thank you for the eternal light that you shine for all of us. Help us to open our eyes and remove our blinders so that we can see with

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