Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Countdown to Creation 2011!! Begins this week. I will pick all month long artsist that will be performing at this year's Creationfest. Starting this week with a great one form Chris Tomlin "Glory in the Highest". Have a great and blessed week!

Friday, May 27, 2011
Happy Memorial Day!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Quick Gospel
Isaiah 59:1
Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.
Today my challenge is to listen for God to speak. I will get that opportunity this morning and afternoon. I will pour out all I have in me to God. Then I will listen. No matter how much to tell to God his ear never grows tired of hearing you cry, talk to Him. Sometimes to be faithful we need that. That knowledge to know that no matter what it is in our life just talking with God will release it, so we can be free to hear back from Him. Find a point and place to go and do just that; talk and as well listen for His direction.
Dear Lord, let me keep my mouth and ears focused on you today. Allow me to grow in that conversation too. Amen.
Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.
Today my challenge is to listen for God to speak. I will get that opportunity this morning and afternoon. I will pour out all I have in me to God. Then I will listen. No matter how much to tell to God his ear never grows tired of hearing you cry, talk to Him. Sometimes to be faithful we need that. That knowledge to know that no matter what it is in our life just talking with God will release it, so we can be free to hear back from Him. Find a point and place to go and do just that; talk and as well listen for His direction.
Dear Lord, let me keep my mouth and ears focused on you today. Allow me to grow in that conversation too. Amen.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Going back to the GMA awards of 2007 for this live performance from : Steven Curtis Chapman, Brian Littrell ( formerly of BackStreet Boys), Mark Hall ( Casting Crowns), and Mac Powell ( Third Day) with a great song from Glory revealed vol. 1 " By His Wounds" I hope you enjoy it and wish you a blessed week ahead.

Monday, May 23, 2011
Quick Gospel
Hebrews 11:1
1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
So I am testing myself this week. Each day I am challenging myself in a different area to start getting out of the box that my wife says I have built around me to protect me. So my challenge today was to put faith into action. I have been thinking about different things in my life, my wants, needs and desires so to speak. But I am probably the first one that will box up my faith and put it someplace so noone can find it. Why do I do that, so I can have control of life and not someone else. Yeah, that's a pretty big first step out of my box, thanks honey for bringing this one up!!LOL!! Well either way it is an area that I need to work on to move into the profession that I feel called to do, so this time form the bottom of my heart. Thank you Joie for giving me that push. Kind of that shut up and drive mentality that I love sooo much about my wife. By her faith she had in me coming around to my senses coming up on 11 years ago. She has never lost that faith in me, from day 1. Faith in the fact that what we are doing is right and good for each other and the kids and all of the youth that I work and will work with. To faith in the fact that I will be able to provide for her and the boys and still have enough to reach those less unfortunate. To the faith in the fact that if God told me to build an ark, she would stand right beside me swinging the hammer. That's faith in action. When I look back over life it has always been that way with her. People always ask did we know it would be like this. My answer is always like what? They say did you always no from the beginning it was love, I think my new response will be no I did not know it was love it was faith that brought us together, and has kept us together. Faith that God will provide what we need Him to, to be the couple that we are. From paying the bills, to putting food on our plates, to the means to go back to school and struggle through daily schedule conflicts. It all gets provided for us. By the faith that we share in God. Now, not just for the rest of the day or week should I walk in that faith, but from this day forward. In comparison, is not God also right beside you all the time? Is he not the one that put faith into Moses, Noah, David, Mary, Martha, Lazarus. Can you not feel Him too?
Dear Lord, faith can indeed move mountains. I have seen it in myself, and others. Praise you for walking the distance with us and helping us when we need it. We lack faith in many things, no doubt about it. But you Lord always provide something to put it back into our lives. Thank you for that blessing.
1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
So I am testing myself this week. Each day I am challenging myself in a different area to start getting out of the box that my wife says I have built around me to protect me. So my challenge today was to put faith into action. I have been thinking about different things in my life, my wants, needs and desires so to speak. But I am probably the first one that will box up my faith and put it someplace so noone can find it. Why do I do that, so I can have control of life and not someone else. Yeah, that's a pretty big first step out of my box, thanks honey for bringing this one up!!LOL!! Well either way it is an area that I need to work on to move into the profession that I feel called to do, so this time form the bottom of my heart. Thank you Joie for giving me that push. Kind of that shut up and drive mentality that I love sooo much about my wife. By her faith she had in me coming around to my senses coming up on 11 years ago. She has never lost that faith in me, from day 1. Faith in the fact that what we are doing is right and good for each other and the kids and all of the youth that I work and will work with. To faith in the fact that I will be able to provide for her and the boys and still have enough to reach those less unfortunate. To the faith in the fact that if God told me to build an ark, she would stand right beside me swinging the hammer. That's faith in action. When I look back over life it has always been that way with her. People always ask did we know it would be like this. My answer is always like what? They say did you always no from the beginning it was love, I think my new response will be no I did not know it was love it was faith that brought us together, and has kept us together. Faith that God will provide what we need Him to, to be the couple that we are. From paying the bills, to putting food on our plates, to the means to go back to school and struggle through daily schedule conflicts. It all gets provided for us. By the faith that we share in God. Now, not just for the rest of the day or week should I walk in that faith, but from this day forward. In comparison, is not God also right beside you all the time? Is he not the one that put faith into Moses, Noah, David, Mary, Martha, Lazarus. Can you not feel Him too?
Dear Lord, faith can indeed move mountains. I have seen it in myself, and others. Praise you for walking the distance with us and helping us when we need it. We lack faith in many things, no doubt about it. But you Lord always provide something to put it back into our lives. Thank you for that blessing.

Friday, May 20, 2011
Just one man's thoughts!
So I am reading to my son last night at bedtime form Max Lucado's "Just like Jesus". This is what I read and thought about the rest of the night and this morning. "If, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash each other's feet. I did this as an example so that you should do as I have done for you" ( John 13:14-15). Jesus washes our feet for two reasons. The first is to give us mercy; the second is to give us a message, and that message is simply this: Jesus offers unconditional grace; we are to offer unconditional grace. The mercy of Christ preceded our mistakes; our mercy must precede the mistakes of others. Those in the circle of Christ had no doubt of his love ; those in our circles should have no doubt about ours. What does it mean to have a heart like Jesus? It means to kneel as he knelt touching the grimy parts of the people we are stuck with and washing away their unkindnesses with kindness. Or as Paul wrote, " Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ" (Eph. 4:32). So, when I tell people to be the hands and feet of Christ in their church and community it clicks and makes sense that this is exactly what I mean. We may not get along with people, heck or even know them. Yet if they need help we should wrap the towel around our waist and start washing. This "ugly toilet" fund raiser that I am doing with my youth group and the community has literally become my part time job and I am loving every minute of it. Why, well to be honest with you pranking people is not something that I thought would go over very well with the congregation. However it has become very clear to me, as I approach our 35 house to deliver to, that God definitely has his hand in this endeavor. As odd as that all sounds let me explain. It is because we have given our time and efforts to help out someone in our community. We have taken our thoughts off of what we want and need and dedicating it all to God for allowing us to get the response that it is getting. How else do you explain it? We are getting dirty and touching the grimy parts of the lot in life that has happened to the Rummel family in there loss of everything in a fire and helping them get a life back together again. Who might be in your direct path today that might need your help. You will never know if you do not get down and listen and start doing.
Have a wonderfully blessed and peaceful weekend!
Have a wonderfully blessed and peaceful weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Quick Gospel
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts
All to often we think our thoughts are our own, but let us not lean on our own understanding! We operate differently in the world as what we will do in our days of eternity. Our understanding only goes so high, His understanding will take you higher. What are we doing trying to make ourselves understand our own thoughts. I am thinking this may require deeper discusions and learning on my part. Is it only me that feels this way? That I am trying to do the thinking for God, and not let Him do it for me. Kind of like the "Jesus take the wheel" mentality from Carrie Underwood. If we are always in the driver seat, then we never let anyone else do the driving, here is where we need to let go.
Gracious Lord, thank you for the humility of allowing me to let go of my own understanding. It is all by you, and for you that we each should live. Amen.
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts
All to often we think our thoughts are our own, but let us not lean on our own understanding! We operate differently in the world as what we will do in our days of eternity. Our understanding only goes so high, His understanding will take you higher. What are we doing trying to make ourselves understand our own thoughts. I am thinking this may require deeper discusions and learning on my part. Is it only me that feels this way? That I am trying to do the thinking for God, and not let Him do it for me. Kind of like the "Jesus take the wheel" mentality from Carrie Underwood. If we are always in the driver seat, then we never let anyone else do the driving, here is where we need to let go.
Gracious Lord, thank you for the humility of allowing me to let go of my own understanding. It is all by you, and for you that we each should live. Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
I admit I have been lax on my devotionals lately. A lot going on right now though with Home, end of school year, and church. Please forgive me for not reaching out more with them. Things are slowing down now as events are dwindling down in needing to make time for. So, I have this awesome song to share today "Hope of the Nations" by Brian Doerksen. I truly feel that no matter how busy our days do get we always need to make time to spend with God and share with others that need to be reached. In light of no matter what you may have endured and gone through in your trials our great and awesome God is all the Hope that we will always need. Have a great and BLESSED day!

Friday, May 13, 2011
Just one man's opinion
So it is Friday...yet again. Time for me to get on my soapbox about what is going on in our world around us. Short and simple this week. I read an article this morning about some athletes in a suburban Boston town that have been suspended from varies sport activities. This comes due to someone releasing photos to the school faculty and board. The photos were posted on the social network facebook, and they show the students in party mode holding alcohol and other illegal substances. In the article the super intendant was interviewed about what was taking place with the students being suspended from school and and sporting events. Some are concerned because this might ruin their child's chances of scholarships!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I would love to post some expletives here, but I hold myself to be better then that. This is your concern! Not the fact that your child is underage drinking and taking part in illegal actions. Hmmm. The super intendant goes on to say that all students at that school are to take their reponsibility with the school more serious. When you do anything as a student of that school you are to be representing that school 24/7. I like this guy!! So when I tell my youth that whether they are out with the youth group or by themselves alone or with friends that you represent the church this is what I mean. yet, let me take it one step further though. Should we not be this way with our Christian life. Keep it turned on 24/7. it does not matter who might be around to see you. God will see you even if you are alone! This attitude of the parents of the students at this school is a big reason as far as I am concerned with why today's youth are the way they are. Parents don not seem to get it. As if they expect the students to accomplish what they could not while they attended school. anyway that is for another soapbox day. Thanks for leting get up on mine today and venting. Hoping all of you have a great and blessed weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Quick Gospel
James 1:1
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ
I love the book of James in the bible, I just think it relates a lot to me and my life and the journey that I am on. Do you have one? What is yours? Should you have one? I do indeed believe so, because when we need assurance we typically turn to something familiar and comfortable. If that place is not scripture, where is it then? You should be accountable to have a place to turn to when needed. People are OK, but returning to God when your uncertain is the best place to go. Recently, with me I have found that I was cursing myself with my comparrison to Job in the bible. Little did I know that when I recently went to the book of James that I was cursing myself by that comparrison. But in returning to my comfort zone for security I realized this mistake of mine. So to me this is why you need scripture to be your place to go when life turns upside down for you. Even in many cases you may not realize the curses that are coming out of your mouth until another scripture indicates that to you.
Lord, many times we come to you with concerns about our life, yet keep us focused on God's Word and allow us to clearly understand them as we go through life. Allow us to turn to God's Words when all the earthly attempts fail us. Amen.
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ
I love the book of James in the bible, I just think it relates a lot to me and my life and the journey that I am on. Do you have one? What is yours? Should you have one? I do indeed believe so, because when we need assurance we typically turn to something familiar and comfortable. If that place is not scripture, where is it then? You should be accountable to have a place to turn to when needed. People are OK, but returning to God when your uncertain is the best place to go. Recently, with me I have found that I was cursing myself with my comparrison to Job in the bible. Little did I know that when I recently went to the book of James that I was cursing myself by that comparrison. But in returning to my comfort zone for security I realized this mistake of mine. So to me this is why you need scripture to be your place to go when life turns upside down for you. Even in many cases you may not realize the curses that are coming out of your mouth until another scripture indicates that to you.
Lord, many times we come to you with concerns about our life, yet keep us focused on God's Word and allow us to clearly understand them as we go through life. Allow us to turn to God's Words when all the earthly attempts fail us. Amen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, May 9, 2011
Quick Gsopel
Excert from "Beauty of the Cross"- Johnny Diaz
The beauty of the cross is that there's One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I'm finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am
The beauty of the cross is that we have the ability to see the beauty of the day that we are blessed with. Lots of things going on in our lives rob us of the opportuity ti see that beauty. Open your eyes today to see and enjoy the beauty that you have in your life.
Father forgive me for walking around with blinders over my eyes. I thought I was seeing things through you, but only until recent tragic events in life are we able to see how blind we truly are. Amen.
The beauty of the cross is that there's One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I'm finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am
The beauty of the cross is that we have the ability to see the beauty of the day that we are blessed with. Lots of things going on in our lives rob us of the opportuity ti see that beauty. Open your eyes today to see and enjoy the beauty that you have in your life.
Father forgive me for walking around with blinders over my eyes. I thought I was seeing things through you, but only until recent tragic events in life are we able to see how blind we truly are. Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Shared Thoughts
So another week closes out and for me a very personally stressing week. I look over my daily planner almost hourly to be reminded of what is next on my agenda. Being lots of things is very difficult. As I put more wear and tare on my body I think to myself often how my time goes by so fast. I recently listened to a series from Family Life called "Step Up". Let me tell you to anyone, but especially, to men and young guys. We have big shoes to fill, and most men are walking around barefoot all the time. Do we realize that today's society calls us to be so busy that for most of us we forget how to be what God calls us to be. The leaders, of the house, the family, the finances, the relationship, the marriage, etc. For one to be a leader it is hard work. Being this kind of leader will lead to great rewards. Leading the lost, hurt, lonely for me this is what fills my daily planner. For many, most are probably filled with personal agendas. Where will they lead those that follow you? I am by no means putting me on any pedestal, I am surrounded by other men that have a very similar life. Thank you to Pastor Scott, Dad, Tom, Cory, Mark, and many others for being that mentor to me and brothers in Christ. It is what we fill our days with the things that we do to reach others. Our youth generation need leaders to lead them into the right direction for the rest of their lives. Will we be able to answer that call as a mentoring generation? There is so much more to discuss about the way the world is setting up the next generation with no mentors, and leaders. It is almost like that coming generation will be like the old Amiga game "Lehmings" (dating myself I know). Anyway the gist of the game was to prevent the lehmings form aimlessly wondering around going nowhere. Your job was to set them in the right direction for them to survive. again I ask will you take that daunting task and fill your daily planners to reach anyone that is lost?

Thursday, May 5, 2011
National Day of Prayer
First Thursday of May is National Day of Prayer. Today, take your list of prayer and praises that you have to the foot of the cross of Jesus. Let him hear you. Yell, scream whatever you need to do to release them and hand them over to God. For today is the day to do so. Add the names of the lost, the hurt, the lonely, the happy to your list and stay in prayer all day if you need to. God has all the time in the world to listen to you. Thank you all for the continued prayers for me and my family.
Hoping that you all have a [rayerful and blessed day!
Hoping that you all have a [rayerful and blessed day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Ok I have to say this! I feel like Job right now. All around me is crumbling and it hurts now. Again... another one is taken from the Sager family. Prayers for Bud (Charles) Sager and family. I can not even begin to wrap my mind around these past six months of all that was lost. It has been a devastating year for us. Is it me Lord? Should I wrap myself in a bubble to protect the rest of them? As the words from the last funeral ring still so clear, we can not live in the "what if" past of our minds. We must move forward with the freedom in hearts to know that there is no more suffering or pain in there lives. It is our pride that hurts us the most. Why, because we view it with our rose colored glasses and mourn what we in our physical form will miss the most about them not being around anymore. Grieving that lose is what brings our own freedom in tragedy like this. All that you have done to keep our family close will never be forgotten and will always be cherished. Love you and will always miss you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tuned in Tuesday
Monday, May 2, 2011
Quick Gospel
John 20:30
30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.
So this is the seminarian in me asking this question. What else might Jesus have done that is not written in the bible that we may not know about? Then this is the UCC in me saying that this is proof that "God is still speaking".
Still speaking God, what is it that you want us to hear from you? Give us silent tongues to keep our mouths closed so that we may listen for your words. Amen.
30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.
So this is the seminarian in me asking this question. What else might Jesus have done that is not written in the bible that we may not know about? Then this is the UCC in me saying that this is proof that "God is still speaking".
Still speaking God, what is it that you want us to hear from you? Give us silent tongues to keep our mouths closed so that we may listen for your words. Amen.

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