So I am reading to my son last night at bedtime form Max Lucado's "Just like Jesus". This is what I read and thought about the rest of the night and this morning.
"If, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash each other's feet. I did this as an example so that you should do as I have done for you" ( John 13:14-15). Jesus washes our feet for two reasons. The first is to give us mercy; the second is to give us a message, and that message is simply this: Jesus offers unconditional grace; we are to offer unconditional grace. The mercy of Christ preceded our mistakes; our mercy must precede the mistakes of others. Those in the circle of Christ had no doubt of his love ; those in our circles should have no doubt about ours. What does it mean to have a heart like Jesus? It means to kneel as he knelt touching the grimy parts of the people we are stuck with and washing away their unkindnesses with kindness. Or as Paul wrote, " Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ" (Eph. 4:32). So, when I tell people to be the hands and feet of Christ in their church and community it clicks and makes sense that this is exactly what I mean. We may not get along with people, heck or even know them. Yet if they need help we should wrap the towel around our waist and start washing. This "ugly toilet" fund raiser that I am doing with my youth group and the community has literally become my part time job and I am loving every minute of it. Why, well to be honest with you pranking people is not something that I thought would go over very well with the congregation. However it has become very clear to me, as I approach our 35 house to deliver to, that God definitely has his hand in this endeavor. As odd as that all sounds let me explain. It is because we have given our time and efforts to help out someone in our community. We have taken our thoughts off of what we want and need and dedicating it all to God for allowing us to get the response that it is getting. How else do you explain it? We are getting dirty and touching the grimy parts of the lot in life that has happened to the Rummel family in there loss of everything in a fire and helping them get a life back together again. Who might be in your direct path today that might need your help. You will never know if you do not get down and listen and start doing.
Have a wonderfully blessed and peaceful weekend!
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